Chicago Society donors claim space insuring our history of effecting positive change lives on in the fraternity's narrative history.
The Donald C. McCleary Innovation Room is a collaborative teamwork space in Kief House, the building adjacent to the Zollinger House in Richmond Virginia. Kief House was generously purchased for Sigma Phi Epsilon by Chicago Society Member and Brother Garry Kief.
Upon learning of Brother Garry Kief's generous donation to the fraternity, key leaders in the Chicago Society stepped up to pledge their support to fund a room in honor of Brother McCleary and memorialize all those brothers who, along with him, were taken too soon. Chicago Society members Michael Johnson, Troy Hanson, Adam J. Fowler, Scott Schwartz, Billy Maddalon, Grahaeme Hesp, Tyler Laughlin, Garry Kief, and Timothy Lambert led the fundraising with early gifts.
This fraternity must take and active role in appreciating the equality of all people.
- Donald C. McCleary, 43rd Grand President
The McCleary Innovation Room room honors Brother McCleary's tireless work toward advancing equal rights and reimagining the member development experience for undergraduate members. Join with other Chicago Society members today to ensure that SigEp brothers, for generations to come, will know of Brother McCleary's contribution to our beloved fraternity.